For more information, call us today at (219) 791-1400 or contact us here.

What We Do

Innovations in Learning’s BMAN department provides behavior services through the Indiana Medicaid Waiver program. These services are based in the individuals home and/or community settings and may include day program visits. BMAN services begin with a comprehensive review of background information and history, and a functional behavior assessment. The clinician develops an individualized Behavior Support Plan that is focused on teaching new skills and reducing problem behaviors. Support and intervention is provided by our skilled clinician in regular sessions typically occurring weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the individual’s needs. Training of caregivers, staff and family members is also a critical part of the program.


  • Individualized Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Behavior Support Plan with identified deceleration target behaviors and replacement target behaviors
  • Program Development based on ABA principles
  • Program consultations by Mentors, Supervisors, and the Directors of ABA and BMAN
  • Monthly reports detailing progress
  • BSP Trainings for all caregivers including parents and staff
  • Home, day program, office sessions with your therapist


Director of Behavior Management
Click for full bio


Heather Olivares, LMHC

Behavior Management Supervisor